Burlescombe, Tiverton EX16 7JH

Our School: Our Christian Foundation


As a Church of England school we are proud that our vision to “Climb to your highest, for yourselves, for others and for God”  is rooted in the theology of the Church of England Vision for Education and the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.

The vision is underpinned by Jesus’ teaching to ‘Love God, and love your neighbour as yourself’, and is at the centre of every aspect of school life.

In Romans 12:2 we are called to ‘be transformed by the renewing of our minds’, in other words, changed thinking leads to changed behaviour and a changed world. Jesus is our role model as an inspiring change-maker. Change-makers bring people and communities and together, they solve problems and create impact. This is what we want for our children.

We strive to build a community that is connected, valued and respected, having a positive impact on all.

In ‘living out’ our vision through our curriculum C360 – the caught, taught and sought – the children of Burlescombe will develop the academic skills and intellectual habits to flourish as individuals who are equipped to live ‘life in all its fullness’ John 10:10.