Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to the second half of the autumn term; I hope you had a
lovely half-term with your families and found time to relax
together after a busy start to the school year.
As we have now entered November, Remembrance Day will soon
be upon us. Both schools mark this important occasion giving
children the chance to understand why we mark this historic event
every year and the opportunity to show their respect and
gratitude. Webber’s and Burlescombe schools will both mark
Remembrance Day with a service at our local churches – All Saints
in Holcombe Rogus and St. Mary’s in Burlescombe. The services
will start at 10.30am and will conclude shortly after the two-
minute silence at 11am. You are more than welcome to join us at
either church – thank you to Rev. Glyn and Roy for opening the
churches for us.
Related to Remembrance Day is the yearly Poppy Appeal, which
has commenced across both schools. There are a variety of poppy-
related bits and bobs available with prices at £1 or £2 – as always,
snappy rulers seem to be very popular!
The following Friday after Remembrance Day (18th) is Children in
Need where we are inviting children to come into school wearing
something spotty (as many or as few spots as you would like) and
donate £1 to Children in Need. Thank you for your support in
these challenging times as we do all we can to support the more
vulnerable and disadvantaged in our communities.
Webber’s and Burlescombe schools are both having Open
Mornings later this month. On Monday 21st November between
10am and 12pm, you are warmly invited to Webber’s school to see
your child’s learning in action. On Tuesday 22nd November at the
same times, you are similarly invited to Burlescombe school to see
your child’s learning in action. There will be squash and biscuits
available at breaktime in each school hall whilst the children enjoy
their break in the playground. Children will be involved in the
normal delivery of core subjects in the morning, so I’m afraid they
will not be available to show parents around, but you are more
than welcome to browse the school and classrooms seeing first-
hand the high-quality teaching & learning that takes place in both
schools every day.
I am pleased to confirm that the first of our parent residential
meetings will be held next week for the planned year 3/4
residential next year to Wildside. There are two opportunities to
attend – one at each school. Burlescombe’s meeting is at 9am and
the meeting at Webber’s is at 3pm. You are welcome to attend
either meeting irrespective of which school your child attends.
This week, Mrs. Hunter held a parent workshop for phonics,
which was very well attended with lots of positive feedback.
There is a maths workshop planned for next Tuesday at WPS at
9am – please do attend if you are able as it will show you some
of the methods we use in school and how to best support your
child at home with their learning. Miss. Ody is also holding
phonics and maths parent workshops with phonics next
Thursday 10th at 3pm and maths on Thursday 17th at the same
time…please see Acorns’ section for more details.
I would like to thank Mrs. Hunter and Miss. Ody for hosting
these events.
Burlescombe PTFA have their hugely popular Christmas Bingo
event on Friday 18th November – eyes down at 7pm…any
donations of biscuits or chocolates for some of the prizes
would be greatly appreciated. They will also be holding a
Christmas jumper sale after school on the 25th November, so
any jumpers you are able to donate would be very welcome
too. If any of you are interested in joining the PTFA to support
the invaluable work they do raising money to enrich the
experiences of children in school, please contact the office,
who will be able to advise you.
I would like to clarify collection arrangements for children from
either school. Children may only be picked up from school by a
responsible adult (aged eighteen or over). This means that we
are unable to allow older siblings to collect children even if
they have the permission of a parent. If you require a different
adult than usual to collect your child, please let the office know
– we should have this in writing before the day of collection,
but we will accept verbal confirmation on the phone if
necessary. If we are unsure, we will call you to clarify; thank
you for your help ensuring that Safeguarding is at the forefront
of everything we do.
Do have a look in the Children’s Section below – whilst there
are no photographs as we’ve only been back one week, each
class has given a brief summary of some learning from this
week; also, keep an eye out for the exciting Christmas card
competition that is being hosted by our local MP Richard Foord
with the winning design being used as his official card this
Christmas. These are to be completed at home and sent by
yourself to the address below before the closing date.
Kind regards,
Mr. Roffey
Head Teacher
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